lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Niklas en París/ Niklas in Paris

Hace ya unos días que Niklas volvió a Glasgow después de pasar una semana conmigo en París. Hicimos bastante turismo, aunque no pudimos ver todo lo que habíamos planeado. Las colas en la torre Eiffel eran tan largas que decidimos no subir. Además, el tercer piso estaba cerrado el día que fuimos. Tampoco pudimos ir a Versalles a causa de un imprevisto. A pesar de todo, espero que se llevara un buen sabor de boca.

De los días que estuvo aquí, cabe destacar la peculiar forma de comunicarnos que teníamos en el piso. Yo hablaba con Niklas en inglés, pero Christelle lo hacía en alemán siempre que podía para practicar un poco el idioma y, por otro lado, nosotras dos hablábamos en francés. Parece un poco lioso, pero en realidad no era para tanto. A veces también me tocó interpretar del francés al inglés y viceversa.

Sin embargo, lo mejor de este sistema es que nos permitió a Christelle y a mí conspirar, sin que Niklas se enterase, sobre su disfraz para la soirée déguisée del viernes por la noche. Al final, el pobre acabó con bigote y barba, una corona, unas chanclas y un camisón de Betty Boop que Christelle le prestó muy amablemente. A la fiesta vinieron unas 20 personas, algunas con unos disfraces muy originales. ¡Nunca pensé que pudiera caber tanta gente en tan pocos metros cuadrados!

Aquí os dejo algunas fotos de la visita (es una pena que no tenga ninguna de la fiesta...): el Panteón, la torre Eiffel, los Inválidos, Montmartre y Pigalle.

Several days ago Niklas went back to Glasgow after spending one week with me in Paris. We did a lot of sightseeing, although we could not visit all the places that we had planned. At the Eiffel tower, the queue was so long that we decided not to go up. Moreover, the third floor was closed that day. We could not go to Versailles either because of an unexpected little problem. Despite everything, I hope that he enjoyed the visit.

Among all the things that happened when he was here, I think that I should write about the funny way of communication that we had in the flat. I talked to Niklas in English; Christelle did it in German whenever she could, as she wanted to practise; but, on the other hand, we two talked in French. It seems a little confusing, but actually it was not that bad. Sometimes I even had to interpret from French into English and vice versa.

However, the best thing about this system was that Christelle and I could plan Niklas's costume for the
soirée déguisée which took place on Friday evening without him noticing. In the end, the poor thing had to wear a beard and a moustache, a crown, sandals and a Betty Boop nightgown that Christelle lent him very kindly. Around 20 people came to the party, some of them wearing very fancy costumes. I never thought that so many people could fit in so little space!

Here are some photos of the visit (it is a pity that I do not have any of the party...): the Panthéon, the Eiffel tower, the Invalides, Montmartre and Pigalle.

Salud y suerte.

Good health and good luck.

2 comentarios:

Cañonesymanzanas dijo...


Al fin!

Anónimo dijo...

Of course I loved it. And I didn't just come cause of the sights. Well, I was dying to see something in Paris ;-) (or someone)!

And I will never forgive you girls for the T-Shirt!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr you should never keep girls together, they get... funny.

I really don't know how you survive switching between 3 languages. I can't even manage two of them. My brain just says:"WTF is it with you? Decide what you want and then stick with it!"

I miss you so much!
Really looking forward to being with you when you are here!